Hire Simon

Bring Books & Networking to your business!

Can't attend Books & Networking?

Why not bring Books & Networking to your business!

Whether its workshops for your staff, help with publishing, bespoke workshops, or support setting up your own book club.

Ideal for team building, or organising for your clients.

Contact Simon to discuss further - simon@libraryplayer.co.uk 

Ideal for team building, or organising for your clients/contacts.

Business Book Club

Whether you want to start your own book club, or organise a Books & Networking event for your clients, contacts or team.

Discuss the books you are reading, identify goals, and find ideas for new books to read.

One-off events or ongoing meetings.

We can either help you set up your own group, and then it's over to you. Or host a Books & Networking event especially for your business.

Writing Workshop

In addition to one-to-one help, we can also organise a book writing/self publishing workshop for your business.

Ideal for team building, or if you'd like to organise a workshop for your contacts and clients.

Can also provide bespoke support writing/self publishing your book.

Answering your writing/self publishing questions, pointing you in the right direction to get started, and turning your ideas into actual books.

Write for your blog or publication

Looking for a guest blog post? Or an article for your publication, website or magazine?

Simon Pittman is available to write for your publication on a freelance basis.

Author of 7 books, and over 200 blog posts, Simon can write about...

Simon's rates...

Hourly - £50 per hour

Half day - £275

Ongoing support / group workshops - please enquire

Contact Simon to discuss further: simon@libraryplayer.co.uk